Domeniul Arcasilor Cluj este o structura sportiva menita sa ajute pe cei care doresc sa invete tirul cu arcul , dar si pe cei care practica acest sport si cauta un loc unde se primeasca sfaturi si sa aiba un spatiu fizic unde pot sa practice sportul in conditii de siguranta.
Noi punem la dispoitiei toate aceste lucruri! Experienta noastra acopera ariile de arc Recurve, arc istoric si arc compound. Atat in teren variant cat si in sala. Atat cu tinte standard, tinte 2D, animale 3D sau tinte speciale.
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"If asked to sketch a picture of the typical archer I would be hard put. They seem to come in all shapes, sizes, colors and backgrounds. Inwardly they seem to have in common a love for the outdoors, a reverence for wildlife, and a close tie with history. There is nothing they seem to enjoy more than telling tall tales around a campfire or talking about archery to others. It would be difficult to find a more interesting group of people."